Message from the Rabbi
Bruchim Habaim! Herzlich Willkommen, Welcome!
In Offenbach, the official Jewish Community and Chabad work hand in hand. The Offenbach Jewish Community proudly serves as a role model of what inclusion and integration can truly be.
Since 1998, Chabad Offenbach supports the Offenbach Jewish Community, in promoting a unique space of vibrant and authentic Jewish Life where everyone feels welcome and at home.
I invite you to browse these online pages, and discover a bit of the magic that the Jewish Community of Offenbach represents. From the warm Minyanim and prayer services, to the engaging Torah classes, exciting Holiday events and much more, there is something for everyone at our beautiful Jewish Community Center. Participants come from all backgrounds and walks of life, and meet as one, united as members, visitors and passers-by of our special and unique Offenbach Jewish community.
Come by and try it for yourself and experience the warmth, acceptance and vibrancy of loving authentic Judaism of our community. Welcome Home! Willkommen nach Hause!
Looking forward to getting to know you,
Rabbiner Mendel Gurewitz